living walls on a budget

Living Walls on a Budget – Expert Tips on Where to Splurge and Save

Living walls are the most customizable décor elements you can add to your space! Not only are living walls flexible in terms of design, but you can also make them as opulent or frugal as you want without missing out on a natural aesthetic! Creating living walls on a budget can be a rewarding project that adds a touch of greenery to your space without breaking the bank. Here are expert tips on where to splurge and save when designing and implementing a living wall.

Spend on Quality Structure

Frame or Backing: Invest in a sturdy and durable frame or backing for your living wall. This is the structural foundation that supports the plants and ensures the longevity of your project. Quality materials will contribute to the overall stability and aesthetic appeal.

plants for living walls on a budget

Save on Plant Selection

Choose Low-Cost Plants: Opt for budget-friendly plants that are easy to maintain and readily available. Look for varieties that thrive in your local climate and require minimal care, reducing the need for expensive, high-maintenance species.

Spend on a Good Growing Medium

Quality Soil or Substrate: Invest in a high-quality growing medium that provides adequate support, drainage, and nutrients for your plants. A good substrate is crucial for the health and vitality of your plants over time.

affordable planters for living walls

 Save on Plant Containers

Repurpose or Use Budget-Friendly Containers: Get creative with container choices. Repurpose old containers or use budget-friendly options like plastic pots, which can be painted or decorated to add a personal touch without a hefty price tag.

Spend on Irrigation System

Efficient Watering System: Consider investing in a reliable and efficient irrigation system. An efficient watering system offers your plants the right amount of moisture, promoting their health and longevity. Drip irrigation systems can be more expensive initially but can save water and reduce long-term maintenance.

Save on Plant Size

Start with Smaller Plants: Begin with smaller plants or seedlings, which are often more affordable than mature plants. As they grow and flourish, your living wall will become denser and more visually appealing.

grow lights for living walls

Spend on Lighting (if needed)

Appropriate Lighting: If your living wall is located in an area with insufficient natural light, consider investing in good-quality artificial lighting. Proper lighting is essential for plant growth and can contribute to the overall success of your living wall.

Save with DIY Installation of Simpler Living Walls

DIY Installation: For simpler living walls, you can save money by tackling the installation yourself. There are plenty of online resources and tutorials that provide step-by-step guidance for creating living walls on a budget. This can be a cost-effective way to bring your vision to life.

living wall professionals Brooklyn New York

Spend on Professional Advice

Consult with Experts: If you’re new to gardening or living wall projects, consider consulting with experts for advice. Spending a bit on professional guidance can save you from costly mistakes in the long run.

By strategically allocating your budget, you can create a beautiful and sustainable living wall that enhances your space without overspending. For expert tips on how to build a spectacular living wall within your budget, contact Eco Brooklyn today!