how to maintain a living wall with planters

5 Expert Tips To Maintain Your Living Wall

Living walls can add vibrancy to any space, be it a home, office, or shopping mall. They’re not just visually appealing, but also great for purifying the air, reducing noise pollution, and creating an uplifting environment. However, maintaining a living wall can be tricky, especially if it’s your first one. You wouldn’t want to invest your time and money into a living wall, only to see it wither away in a few months. Luckily, with the right care and attention, you can keep your living wall as good as new for years! So, here are some tips and tricks from our experts at Eco Brooklyn to help you keep your living wall healthy and thriving.

1.      Water Your Living Wall Regularly

Water is the most essential nutrient for all plants, and your living wall will also need adequate watering to survive and thrive. Since the plants grow vertically, they can dry out quickly, particularly if your wall is located in a warm or dry environment. Hence, most living walls need to be watered at least once a week, or more frequently if the plants you have chosen demand it. Make sure to water thoroughly and evenly, so that all the plants receive an adequate amount of water. You can also consider a living wall with an irrigation system for even watering of all the plants.

2.      Fertilize Wisely

Fertilizer will provide essential nutrients to your living wall plants, helping them flourish to their full potential. To prevent over-fertilizing, you can use a slow-release fertilizer to offer nutrients over an extended period. You can also use organic fertilizers like compost, which can enrich the soil and promote healthy growth while being eco-friendly and economical.

3.      Prune Regularly

If you wish to maintain the visual aesthetic and shape of your wall, you must rely on regular pruning. Pruning can prevent overcrowding of foliage in certain patches of the wall. It will also promote healthy plant growth, and can improve the overall look of your wall. To keep your living wall healthy, remove any dead or sick plants and prune off any dead or damaged leaves and stems. Also, prune the plants that are growing too wide and taking over the design of the wall.

4.      Monitor for Pests and Diseases

Pests and diseases can quickly spread through a living wall and cause damage to your plants. Regular monitoring can help you catch any such problems early and prevent them from spreading. Watch out for signs of pests like spider mites, mealybugs, or aphids, and treat them promptly with insecticidal soap or neem oil. You must also keep an eye out for signs of disease, such as yellow leaves or mold, to take prompt action to address the underlying issues.

5.      Ensure Proper Lighting

Lighting is a key factor that will contribute to the health of your living wall. The amount of light required will depend on the species of plants you have chosen. For spots that do not receive much sunlight, you can go for shade-loving or indoor plants, and for sunnier spots close to windows, you can opt for plants that need more sunlight. Moreover, if your living wall is in a dimly lit area, you can use grow lights to supplement the natural light.

While maintaining a living wall requires some effort, it is worth it for the beauty and benefits it provides. Furthermore, if you do not have the time to devote to maintaining your living wall, you can always trust Eco Brooklyn to install and maintain your living wall such that it looks vibrant for years! So, if you have been on the fence about a living wall for your space, do not hesitate any more. With just a little maintenance it will add immense beauty and value to your space and you will certainly not regret this design choice!