Brooklyn Permaculture and Edible Garden

permaculture edlible garden installer brooklyn
What I love about Brooklyn gardens is that they lend themselves so perfectly to permaculture and edible gardens.

Brooklyn gets plenty or rain and temperate weather so it is so easy to create an edible and visual bounty in a Brownstone back yard.

And a Brooklyn garden is like a canvas by its very size restraints. Almost all Brooklyn gardens are the same size – 20×50 – which means it has borders for you to paint your masterpiece in.

All canvases are similar but just think of the millions of amazing painting. Brooklyn gardens are the same.

This means as a permaculture and edible garden installer we are able to create templates for this relatively constant canvas and then repeat it with a myriad of small variations.

This saves us time, allows us to constantly perfect it, and thus provides a high quality and affordable service to our clients.

It really is a win-win situation.

Each canvas has unique characteristics depending on the client needs, existing space and budget. It is fun tweaking the template to perfection.

But the main reason I wrote this post is because I found the really cool image. It is perfect for a Brooklyn garden permaculture and edible garden installation. It is compact and can use the rain runoff from the Brownstone roof – two things relevant to a Brooklyn garden.

Isn’t it beautiful? It looks like a cornucopia with flowing water.