Newsflash: Oysters Occupy the Gowanus

We are now accepting checks to buy oysters.

Here’s the deal: around the corner from lies the heavily polluted Gowanus Canal. The industrial landscape of this former tidal creek is surreal in its bleakness – but to us it offers the exciting possibility of a rock bottom wasteland that has nowhere to go but up.

Kate Orff gave this inspiring TED talk on her vision to restore the Gowanus Canal (highly recommended). The idea is that most of the canal pollution can be filtered by growing oysters. Simply put, they get a food source, and we get clean water. And oysters. Maybe. Later. A lot later.

Great idea. Why wait? What does a bucket of oysters costs anyway? Why not buy them, chuck them in the canal and see what happens.

We call it Guerrilla Remediation.

We see no need to sit and wait for someone else to fix the Canal. It’s our community and we don’t need billions of dollars and a doctorate degree for permission.

So join us!

Send a check and we’ll take care of the rest. We’ll buy the oyster spawn and propagate them (that’s fancy for “throw oysters in canal”). There is no overhead so your donation will be used to directly purchase seed oysters.

We’ll take photos and film it so you know we aren’t spending your money on beer. You can even come and do it with us.

Please make checks out to Eco Brooklyn with the comment “Gowanus Oysters”. Send checks to 22 2nd street, Brooklyn, NY 11231.

Lets do this together!
