Soil Testing Companies Near Me

New York Soil remediation services – overcoming the challenge of lead contamination

Reading through the forum , there are numerous stories of New York residents who have faced the challenge of lead contamination. The narrative isn’t unique for the forum users. Virtually all homeowners in New York have been hit by the reality of lead contamination.  Many homeowners were shocked to learn that they require soil remediation

New York Soil remediation services – overcoming the challenge of lead contamination Read More »

NYC Lead Contaminated Soil Map

Brooklyn, It’s Time to Think About Soil – Why Your Soil May Be Contaminated and the Benefits of Hiring a Soil Remediator

Brooklyn is home to many great things. But previous manufacturing practices and reduced environmental management have subjected Brooklyn residents to a real hazard. This hazard affects our children, our pets and even adults, even in small quantities. That hazard? Lead. Brooklyn soil has been researched and it’s not looking good for its residents. It appears

Brooklyn, It’s Time to Think About Soil – Why Your Soil May Be Contaminated and the Benefits of Hiring a Soil Remediator Read More »

Living Wall Installation

Exterior Living Wall Installations Reduce Heat Island Effect In New York

As more people move to urban areas and the effects of climate change increase steadily, it is not surprising that global warming is expected to worsen in the future. Translation: Urban Heat Island Effect is just going to get worse. As living wall installers in New York, our main interest is in how living living

Exterior Living Wall Installations Reduce Heat Island Effect In New York Read More »

Building A Living Wall Garden

Study: Green Spaces and Living Walls Reduce Crime, Road Rage and Enhance Mood

As New York living wall installers we are very interested in the effects of living walls on the city environment. Unfortunately because green walls are so new there is little research on the topic and we need to rely on broader studies on green spaces in general like gardens and parks. One study that just

Study: Green Spaces and Living Walls Reduce Crime, Road Rage and Enhance Mood Read More »

Living Walls Garden

The Ins And Outs of Green Wall Installation and Maintenance

Living walls оr green walls аrе bеаutіful structures thаt аllоw рlаntѕ to bе grоwn vеrtісаllу bоth іnѕіdе and out. Whіlе thеrе аrе mаnу dіffеrеnt ѕуѕtеmѕ and рrоduсtѕ out in thе mаrkеt today, оnlу a handful аrе trulу designed fоr lоng-tеrm plant grоwth and health. As living wall installers we are constantly researching the best way

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