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Wikipedia is one of the wonders the internet has brought us, along with Google, Paypal, Facebook and Craigslist. This list goes on. But Wiki and Craigslist are special since they are founded by true visionaries and idealists who value free speech and free information above all else. Wiki and Craigslist could easily have sold out and created

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NYC Sprays Toxic Chemicals over City

This NYC government web page lists the times, zip codes and dates that helicopters will spray pesticides over the city. They call it the “Aerial Larviciding Schedule”, and define Aerial Larviciding as: Dropping natural bacterial granules by helicopter to marshes and other large natural areas to kill mosquito larvae before they grow into adult mosquitoes. Does

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New York Soil Remediation Services

Eco Brooklyn does soil remediation and does its best to keep on top of the lead based remediation topics. Here are some links I got from the “leadnet” listserve (hosted by the national center for healthy housing in a conversation about lead and growing vegetables in soil. “Sources, Sinks, And Exposure Pathways of Lead

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