Earth Bags And Their Urban Gardening Applications

Earth bags are sacks, usually made of burlap or polypropylene, stuffed with natural materials like clay, sand, or dirt. They can be used to construct buildings as well as retaining walls, ponds and raised gardens. First used by the military to create durable structures that are quick and easy to erect, the technique has become […]

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10th Annual Cities Alive Green Roof and Wall Conference

This October, hundreds of builders, innovators, and entrepreneurs will descend on Chicago for the 10th Annual Cities Alive Green Roof and Wall Conference. The conference will be a showcase for leaders in the green roof and wall industry to display their leading-edge design, policy, and research. It will be an opportunity for individuals to come together

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Shakespearean Birds Wreak Havoc in New York

On March 6th 1890, a New York pharmaceutical manufacturer named Eugene Schieffelin released 60 European Starlings into Central Park. Although this action might seem trivial and harmless at first, it has caused irreversible widespread ecological damage all across North America. At the time, Schieffelin was the chairman of the North American Acclimization Society, a society that

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Filling the Void- Weather Barriers and Sealers

In green construction, the largest monetary gain in energy saving over a buildings life-time is achieved with a relatively small investment in sealing the building envelope. As a green design and building firm, we try to adhere closely to Passive House Guidelines, creating extremely well-insulated, virtually air-tight buildings that protect the occupants the most from the outside environment. Even though

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