Last week we met the representative from Kawasaki Greenhouses to check out their new green roof product. It is a pregrown green roof mat that is light-weight and easy to handle. They grow the sedum on coconut jute, which is basically like a stringy organic fiber sponge. The end result is very similar to mats of grass sod, although instead of grass you have a low and thick layer of sedum plants.

What we liked about the product is that it allows for an easy plug and play application because once laid the roof looks like it has been there for years. Their sedum choice, although not native to the NY area, is varied and colorful and picked to be hardy and low maintenance.

As a green roof installer, we are always interested in new products and we feel this one looks promising. We would use it on a roof that can not handle much weight and where the client needs immediate satisfaction.
The one bit of feedback we gave them is that we prefer to use only native sedum. They said they’d look into it.
Their product is similar to Sedum Master