Brooklyn Rainwater Capture Design

We are designing a rainwater capture system on a Brooklyn brownstone. The system will feed the toilets and showers with cold water. The overflow will go to feed the garden. Below are the drawings.

This will eliminate any rainwater going down the municipal drain.

As Brooklyn green builders one of our main focus is to find ways for the green brownstone to use the rainwater intelligently. This may be rainwater capture, green roof, water for toilets and showers, rain gardens and even drinking water.

This keeps the brownstone lush and also eliminates strain on the surrounding waterways. Right now the rain goes into the sewar and it all (used tampons etc) overflows into the rivers….yuk.

Here are the drawings. Eco Brooklyn Landscape Designer and Ecologist Sarah Bray is designing this job.

Exisiting Roof

rainwater design 1

Proposed Roof

rainwater design 2