What Do Brooklyn Green Contractors Do On Their Day Off?

What do brooklyn green contractors do on their day off?
Build igloos of course!
The trick to building a good igloo is to use deep cake pans or small storage boxes to make snow bricks. The other trick is as you slant the walls inwards be careful NOT to slant the bricks. The walls slant inwards but the bricks always stay flat.

But to be honest you don’t need bricks for small structures. It is easier to just pack the snow like you were making a mud castle.

brooklyn green contractors building igloo
brooklyn green contractors building igloo
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brooklyn green contractors building igloo 6

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Believe it or not a large adult and child are also in the igloo!!! It is a lot larger than it looks. This girl can stand up in the igloo

Green contractors are also very adept at building six foot tall snow men:




This snow girl was very happy to be created:

